Adding books to The Hawaii Project

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The Hawaii Project finds great books you’d never find on your own. We do that by crawling a curated set of the “bookish” web and seeing what books people are writing about. We only add books when we see someone writing about them — that’s how we keep the recommendations high quality and the database manageable. (There are a lot of books out there!).

As a result, sometimes great older books aren’t in the system when you look for them. Until today, we had to add them for you.

As of today, you can now add missing books to The Hawaii Project. Here’s how.

Drag this link to your bookmarks bar. ⟿ Add Book to THP. (this is what they call a Bookmarklet. Now go to the Amazon page for the book you want to add. Then click the bookmark you added. We’ll add the book and when we’re done we’ll take you to that book’s page.

Et voilá

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